

future farmers of america

Future Farmers of America (FFA)

Sponsor: Kalynda Hoevener
Who: All students
Facebook Page

  • Compete in agriculture-based area competitions
  • Host benefit dinners for local and school groups
  • Help organize and put on the 50 cent Breakfast with Farm Bureau
fellowship of christian athletics

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)

Sponsor: Eric Pavey
Who: All students, not just athletes, during lunch

  • Participate in lunchtime devotions
  • Share your faith with your friends
  • Organize See You at the Pole for National Day of Prayer
Student council

Student Council

High School Sponsor: Megan Hodge
Middle School Sponsor: Audrey Brown
Who: 7-12 students who run for positions

  • Elections take place each spring for the following year
  • Help plan school events like dances, Teacher Appreciation Week, and other student life events
  • Organize and support ELF
lanesville drama club

Drama Club

Sponsor: Sherry Dour
Who: All Students Grades 7-12

  • Have fun learning about acting, playwriting, stage production, stage makeup, set and costume design
  • Create and perform pieces for the community
national honor society

National Honor Society

Sponsor: Eric Pavey
Who: 10, 11, and 12

  • Application process based on grades and community involvement in early September
  • Participate in community service activities throughout the community
  • Help out in school-wide “Serve Days” for teachers and staff
Renaissance club

Renaissance Club

Sponsor: Aafke Garlock
Who: All students

  • Celebrate the school and larger community
  • Help plan and orchestrate community service projects
  • Work collaboratively with Renaissance Clubs at all Harrison county schools
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